Sunday, September 9, 2012

Allan G. Johnson, "Privilege, Power, and Difference"

     "We can't survive on our own when we're young, and it doesn't get a whole lot easier later.  We need to feel that we belong to something bigger than ourselves, whether its family or a team or a society." (A.G. Johnson "Privilege, Power, and Difference)  The author discussed how he was a sociologist.  How he studied people in different societies and their interactions.  He spoke about how mankind can not survive without the interaction of other human beings.  This what makes us grow as humans, and that our intelligence is far from anything that exist. So many studies are done in the field of sociology on human interaction.  That no matter the privilege, power, and difference we are all the same when it comes to affection, interaction, confront, and emotions.  We need others to give us the fundamental growth in order to be able to form communications and connections.  Friendships help build the bridges and foundation of life.  That is why there are so many social clubs, organization, religions, families, societies, and memberships. Regardless of the gathering it helps bring together all these people under one roof for the common goal of nourishing their souls.  Click here to see a video regarding human affection and development.

     "No,her misfortune is connected to my fortune; the reality of her having to deal with racism and sexism every day is connected to the reality that I don't."(A.G. Johnson "Privilege, Power, and Difference)  In this statement the author refers to the fact that he is discussing collaborating a project with a woman that is African American.  He is a white Anglo Saxon male, middle-class, heterosexual, father, and it goes on to show how the lady that he wanted to collaborate with would be at a great disadvantage.  She was a woman for starters, that was not her only disadvantage but she was African American.  This piece of literature was written in 2001, that was not that long ago, but we still continue to struggle for equality in the minds of men.  No matter what are race is the fact that we are women places us in such a disadvantage when facing the issues of the world.  Come on now, did we not develop equalities when you look at the different feminist waves and the impact that women obtained for the right to vote.  We as women are still not able to get that high position in the workplace or even receive the same salary as a man in the same position. Is it the fact that the workplace feels threaten by the simple fact that we can have children and that will ruin the concentration when it comes to the position versus the family's need. Is it also the fact that she is considered a minority and that her rights are suede by the simple fact of her color.  

     "We may not realize how routinely we form such impressions until we run into someone who doesn't fit neatly into one of our categories, especially gender or sexual orientation." ( A.G. Johnson "Privilege, Power, and Difference)  In this quote the author was referring to passing by some one and not being able to know if that person is male or female.  He referred to the fact that society set a norm being that the only gender that is available is either male or female and there is nothing in between.  These are the sexual characteristics that are seen when the child is born and that is what society feels you are stuck with.  So he is referring that sexual reassignment and homosexuality are not considered normal in today's society.  This is in reference to society and what is considered to be normal and what is out of the norm. If a person wants sexual reassignment, or is a cross dresser, or anything under the umbrella of queer society then society deems that as not being normal.  That there is something wrong with the way that person was raised or something along those lines.  That person is perfectly fine and just wants to express truly how they feel or who they truly want to be in society and be excepted by society as such, and not out of the norm.

     In reference to your intelligence "We are similar to horses, and pigs, but the only difference is that we have a brain.  A brain that can have the power to create, invent, persuade, and run the world.  Use your brain to imagine all the positive possibilities and the universe will give you what you ask for." (unknown)  We are intelligent creatures but do we always use our brains, and if we do, is it used effectively?  If you leave an animal or plant in solitary confinement for awhile, that plant and animal will not survive because it soul is not being fed by affection.  Whether you are a woman, a person of a different sexual orientation, of majority race, and anything that society values as not normal.  Always fight for what you believe in and continue to fight just as long as their is no infliction to any person's self esteem, or you do not harm anyone in the process.  This brings a valuable question to mind what is normal in today's society?  A friend once told me that when you look at your life, and you evaluate your life.  If you get things that are wonderful, if you have met people that are significant and equally as wonderful, or even if any of your experiences were wonderful.  Consider all those things as valuable as a pearl.  Use those pearls to build the necklace of life.  When you stop to look at the necklace at in age that you can reflect on your life.  One question that you can ask yourself was that necklace filled with beautiful pearls?  That symbolic necklace and those beautiful pearls are the true meaning of life.


  1. Hi Sue this Natalie, thanks for commenting on my blog. Really agreed to what you said about the article on Oppression. In the beginning I was confused about it but I figured I'd find a video to help clarify things between the article and the meaning. Since I was confused I thought it would be helpful for others too to watch the video. I enjoyed reading your blog about the Johnson article too. You put your thoughts and main points of the article and also helped me understand it more because I didn't quite get it. Thanks for making it understandable. And thanks for commenting on my blog. Love your layout and stay strong and pretty soon you WILL be able to stand on your own feet. As you mentioned in class. ;)

  2. Hi Sue this Natalie, thanks for commenting on my blog. Really agreed to what you said about the article on Oppression. In the beginning I was confused about it but I figured I'd find a video to help clarify things between the article and the meaning. Since I was confused I thought it would be helpful for others too to watch the video. I enjoyed reading your blog about the Johnson article too. You put your thoughts and main points of the article and also helped me understand it more because I didn't quite get it. Thanks for making it understandable. And thanks for commenting on my blog. Love your layout and stay strong and pretty soon you WILL be able to stand on your own feet. As you mentioned in class. ;)
