Sunday, September 16, 2012

Romney Not Legalizing Medical Marijuana

In accordance to the article written that there is a difference on how the two presidential candidates are running their campaigns' and their view on different topics. Romney is running his campaign in accordance to what he believes the general population wants to hear. Romney's stance on the legalization of medical marijuana, he said "That if I get elected president that I will fight against the legalization of medical marijuana tooth and nail.."   Here is the video on Romney's view on medical marijuana.
He believes that if he legalizes medical marijuana it would be the gateway to legalizes all drugs eventually.  That would lead the younger generations to use all kinds of drugs and that is not okay in Romney's opinion.  Legalizing would be catastrophic for society, and would lead to a corrupt society.   He believes that the marijuana for medicinal purpose would be the gateway to a younger generation getting into all kinds of drugs, not just marijuana.  After his speech he got a standing applause from all that attended because they too believe that marijuana being legalized medicinal is a bad idea and is the gateway to recreational drugs being used.  Romney said, that if you are against his view then you can vote for his opponent that is for the legalization of medical marijuana.  He then steers the audience to believe that his opponent Obama is for the legalization, and that people that are for that such notion should vote for him instead. Even though both parties have supports for the legalization of medical marijuana, though the numbers are so minimal. Even Obama ridicules his opponent's attack by saying that even though he is against the legalization of marijuana here is another tact from his opponent to win electoral votes. The article closes with the conclusion that, "the difference is that Romney is candid about his anti-cannabis, while Obama pretends to be more enlightened and compassionate." (Jacob Sullum, "Romney Vows to Fight Marijuana Legalization 'Tooth and Nail'-Unlike His Opponent?")

The person that wrote the article is against the thoughts and the way that Romney is running his campaign in regards to not legalizing medicinal marijuana.  The person that wrote the article agrees that few people in the democratic party are for the legalization, but so is the republican side as well.  The author discusses the views of the public on the issue, and more are in favor of Romney's view. That Romney is stricter when it comes to this issue, while Obama is more laid back about his stance. It is funny because I had to read another article in response to the question of legalizing marijuana but they asked Paul Ryan the person that Romney had chosen to run with him in this presidential campaign.  Paul Ryan stance for the legalization of marijuana is that, "it should depend on the state and if the state wants to legalize it or not."  Oh, boy we have someone who stance is strong but his co-person says that the individual state should decide. If Romney is elected president, I have a feeling that the issues that may arise during the presidency will have one person for one side, and the other for the decision of the people. This makes my agrument strong for there are two sides to every issue, and no one person agrees to one thing.  Here is a Link, which is a video and article in regards to Paul Ryan's stance.

Legalizing medical marijuana is the question. Either you are for or against the legalization of medical marijuana?  Those that are against, ask yourself if you have ever had a chronic illness or disease that consumed your body?  If the answer is no, then continue to read my take on this issue. Here is a list of people that are medical qualified that have the following conditions: cancer, ms, glaucoma, and etc.  I am only speaking about this because I can.  I won the lottery when it came to an illness that is not just your grandmother's disease anymore.  When I got diagnosed in September 16, 2011, I never would have thought that I would experience the pain that I have.  Pain that at times it is debilitating and still going on today.  So being young am I suppose to drop everything and let the pain consume my life?  The answer is no, is there other alternatives to this, the answer is yes.  There are Morphine, Vicodin, Oxycontin, Percocet, and the list is endless to stop the pain that people with chronic illness have.  Those drugs that I listed above are just as addicting as any drugs.  If we discuss the topic of addiction we have not banned alcohol, cigarettes, and etc that are know to be addicting, but wait a minute the government is making big tax dollars when it comes to those things. They have not banned those things. Have you thought about the side effects of these synthetic drugs, here are examples of such: nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, difficulty breathing, hallucinations, fainting, seizures, and abdominal pain just to name a few minor ones. So Romney believes that synthetic marijuana is the answer to that, even though I and many patients say no.  Here is an example of Romney and a patient with a chronic disease discussing medical marijuana vs. it synthetic. Do believe what just happened in that video? Do you understand the poison that courses my veins and continues to week after week, is enough toxin in my system.  There can be government regulation on the growth of medical marijuana, because if there isn't then it becomes laced with other drugs or toxins.  The substance marijuana is grown in natures own garden, and when grown correct is in its purest form.  Doctors began to discuss that they don't want their patients smoking it but instead mixing it in the food is best for patients. So I ask you again should legalization of  medical marijuana be done or do these patients have to find alternatives that is even more dangerous then any drug itself?

1 comment:

  1. Your post was very informative. I don't the legalizing medical marijuana will lead to other drugs being legalized. I think that the drug jsut has a bad name to it and that it scares most people and that's what Romney was trying to play to. I voted for it to be legalized in Massachusetts.
